Lawfully Ever After
In this podcast, Julie Potts, Esq covers a wide range of family law topics including tips and opinions for navigating legal matters in divorce, custody and support; as well as candid conversations to help listeners get through the other side of one of the toughest times of their lives. Julie is a family law attorney located in Chester County, Pennsylvania and you can also find her @LawyerJulie on TikTok. Please remember nothing in this podcast should be considered legal advice, and you should always consult with your own attorney if you have questions about your specific situation.
Lawfully Ever After
It's the Kid's Time, Not Yours!
Julie Potts, Esq
One of @LawyerJulie's most controversial TikToks is titled "It's the kid's time, not yours!" and the comment section proved that this is a very controversial topic when co-parenting. In this episode, Julie shares some common scenarios she sees daily in regards to kid's activities and shared custody, discusses how the court typically handles these situations, and how they factor into child support payments.